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Advising & Mentoring

We’ve got your back right from the start—helping you keep your goals and future aspirations in sight and in reach.

Professor of Art Meredith Root explains camera settings to a student.

Making connections with faculty, staff, and other students is key to your success while you are in college and after graduation as you embark on your career. As soon as you decide to become a Beloiter, we are there for you.   Through our Advanced Mentoring Program (AMP) a faculty ambassador will contact you before you even get to campus to answer questions about the steps of your educational and professional pathway. 

Our Advanced Mentoring Program (AMP) provides you with a supportive advising and mentoring experience that helps you connect with our campus community, acquire skills to thrive academically, and begin investigating the world after college. When you declare a major (or a minor), you will connect with an advisor in that program to guide you as well.

And every spring, the entire Beloit College community comes together for Advising and Career Day with dozens of events that let you explore academic majors, potential careers, and practice your networking skills.

Matias Grande’16

An introduction to possibilities

Matias Grande’16 came to Beloit College interested in physics. Instead, a vacation term in Uganda inspired a career in public health.


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