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Requesting Additional Financial Assistance

Beloit College strives to create a comprehensive financial aid offer to make Beloit accessible to all. We recognize students and families may encounter special circumstances or emergencies that may change or impact a family’s ability to pay.

Beloit College has two avenues for students and their families to request financial assistance.

  • The Reconsideration of Financial Aid Appeal allows students to request a re-evaluation of their financial aid package based upon circumstances and changes you believe deserve consideration. 
  • The Beloit College Student Emergency Aid Program is designed to assist enrolled students with a financial emergency in the current term that might impact their ability to stay enrolled at Beloit College. 

There is one application process for both programs. Complete the application and submit the application along with the proper documentation to the Financial Aid Office. Your application will be reviewed for one or both programs to see which one you may be eligible for. 

Process to Apply

Eligible students who wish to be considered for additional financial assistance must submit the Request for Additional Financial Assistance Form to the Financial Aid Office following the process below:

  1. Submit a completed Request for Additional Financial Assistance Form with all of the necessary documents listed on the form. Documents may be submitted using our secure document upload site. 
  2. For international students to request a re-evaluation of your financial aid package, you must submit a current International Student Financial Aid Application.
  3. The Financial Aid Office will review your submission and contact you if additional information or clarification is required.
  4. The Financial Aid Office will determine if the student qualifies for additional financial aid. If you do not, your application will be reviewed for a grant from the Student Emergency Aid Program. 
  5. The Financial Aid Office will notify the student of the decision; if there are changes made to the financial aid offer, the student can view these changes in the Portal under “Financial Services.”


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